Hi to all my friends, just wanted to share my thoughts on giving gospel.
Giving gospel or telling the good news of Jesus has become a hard thing in the Christian world. Today many are divided against different sects in Christian religion itself. Some argue they are right in following their own type of culture. Hence we have no objection in arguing with such people. So here come my thoughts on giving gospel.
Whenever we Christians want to give a gospel to a non believer it ends up in trouble and arguments question over question. So when we give the gospel you need to tell what you need to tell completely from first to last, what you intended to speak. Even though the person may argue at first. You ought to tell the person first to listen patiently what you intended to say then he may ask. So that he may know the truth completely and then ask the question. Many Christians are overflowed to give the other religions a blast. Some times we need to be self controlled and speak what we believers of truth intend to speak.
When you give the gospel it should be obviously from the bible that you know of. Flattery talk or causal talk will result in lack of importance in the life we live and what we share to others. Today many youths are overflowed to speak the gospel. But how do you give the gospel? We should not judge between any person or religion or anything. It should be all about God and Him alone. When we give the gospel it is for the glorification of God alone and not to win hearts or religion but to win souls for Christ.
Other thing, I have realized in life is that there is a time and place for everything when you need to give. The spirit of God will come upon you when we need to speak the truth and share the love of God. When we speak we shouldn’t be double minded whether I should give or not the gospel of Jesus. Never doubt yes or no.
I have seen many people arguing catholic vs. protestant. This is what you ought to tell such people. Believe whatever is written in the Bible and don’t follow what is not written in the Bible. The answer is that simple! Don’t follow traditions and worldly cultures. The conclusion is “READ THE BOOK OF FAITH AND LIVE BY THE BOOK OF FAITH” i.e. THE BIBLE.
Another thing I wanted to share with you all is the deception in the different simplified version of Bible. Better stick to KJV (King James Version) and NIV (New International version) for starters. Today many modern bibles have made words so simple they have lost their meaning and truth and some words are words of men rather than words of God. Jesus says in Revelation
“That anyone who adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him the share in the tree of life and in the holy city which are described in this book.” Revelation 22:18
Therefore friends read the right Bible and interpret the correct truth. When we speak and give the truth from the word we have a reward from heaven. Conclusion is let us speak the truth and live the truth and “Jesus” is that truth. Let us put worldly arguments aside about religions and Issues concerning the world. Let us live for the glorification and edification of our Lord and Savior.
I can keep on writing I just wanted to keep this Blog “Short, Simple & Sweet (SSS)”
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